Another step on the road to victory… means nothing.
How ever many steps it takes….until the enemy is over run.
Another step on the road to victory… means nothing.
How ever many steps it takes….until the enemy is over run.
[ ek-spoh-nen-shuhl, ]
rising or expanding at a steady, rapid rate:
Everything is growing.
Bleeding edge?… do explain
Blood covered edge…. blood dripping edge….. blood stained edge…. yeah….. but "bleeding edge"…. welll…. that only happens if you can't catch what you throw…lol.
lmao… tip of the spear… edge of the knife… crack of my arse…..lmao…. yeah, I know where ya going….lol.
Anurism or ceasure… do we need to call someone?
Yeah…. some mutherfucker has baught all the horse dewormer and….. heyyyy…. are you watching me?…… looks around….. nope….lol.
lol… can always count on you for something that's useful…. pity that is all you can be counted on…lol.
Been a long………… hours……meh…. seen light … then day…. and it's night again.
You make me laugh when I'm this fucked.
lmao… that's the way I'm heading….lmao… more n more retarded…. expect it….lol.
Now that, is a truly beautiful thing to see.
After giving 85 Billion in weapons, to terrorists… I can't see how he can EVER ban guns.
Wasn't there a Nikki Minaj thingy on today… I thought that would have been in the top slide list.
That's what you do when you have nothing left in the bag… just push whatever lies harder.
They're on the ropes so hard, that the corner posts are moving.
Even retyped it for ya grammar kitty….. you know the word I was fucked…lol.
lmao… but not retying that one…lmao.