>Media anchors are acting like they don't believe themselves
Because they are spewing a lie they don't think they can sell. Angry? They should be smugly proud, yet they're not.
>Media anchors are acting like they don't believe themselves
Because they are spewing a lie they don't think they can sell. Angry? They should be smugly proud, yet they're not.
>Jobama gibs you 100mpg travelling coffins!
Moloch needs sacrifices, so the auto industry keeps crawling at a snail's pace while insurance companies make trillions off of road deaths.
>the most toxic vaccine
Definitely not a Trump talking point as he has backed the vaxx. Couldn't reverse course just yet.
Cutting hands off of thieves? Okay, how about doing the same to every Tali that touches a poe e of US mil equipment, since it didn't belong to them. We will rename them from Taliban, to Tally-no-hands
How do ewe know?