Im here in the background if you need some help
Im here in the background if you need some help
It's in the note. Did you Anons figure out the popes pic of the owl Q stole from his phone and posted for us. The popes reflection is in the eye of the owl
So how many times do you think you told Q to fuck off !!! on here when he was Anon ? KEK !!
DO we have a baker or should I grab the dough???
Just making sure we got a baker thats all. Avoiding the ebake/multiple threads catastropy.
Carry on Baker.
white pawn about to become a queen
O we got clown fuck baking and banning people ,I see. Il be back later when your faggot ass goes to sleep finally. Il be watching when you go to sleep forever via the rope too nigger .
Fuck you faggot
There it is ! They think they are going to harm our President .
Shitty moldy bread bitch made nigger
Q has it all and has had their "Secure" phones comped since day 1 . I am guessing the photo of the owl is the first photo the poop took to send to check to see if compedphone was working. This fist photo was a test photo and Q showed him he has it all. My guess.
More to the story and this conflict that you know. Il lay off bitchboy so he can fuck things up in peace and make his sheckles.
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Shitty job asshole. Too busy shitposting and fucking up the bread to get more than 5 noteables . CLOWN BAKER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!