The US dead!
Another installed selection
An independent reality is all that's left.
A go it alone mentality is now preferred
Oaths have no meaning without actions supporting it.
Still waiting
Embrace the New Flesh
Shadows on the cave wall aren't so bad as long as you have crunchy crickets to munch on
Do you think the apes will let us eat their corn?
Wonder what kind animal mutations will accrue when all Nuke plants meltdown world wide
Beware the beast Man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport, or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours
The New World Order
Back to the beginning Again!
Ah life in simple scale
When we reach 500 million
Then the aliens will return and bring much knowledge again
Once again we will the importance of deer skins and the bow
But never again the iron or copper
For they make tools of war
And they will teach us that great scarifies need to be made to the gods so that our crops will have great yields for the years of famine
500 million
Then they will put it in the food supply
Our leaders are selected then installed
By an elite group who care nothing for you.
Biden was installed and no evidence of fraud
In the selection process is going to change those results!
Unless you have knoledge that will change things?
The global population will be reduced to 500 million!
Enjoy your internet devices
This mode of communication will not survive soon
Don't shoot the messagener. If you don't like the truth
Spirit tell me!
Are these the things that will happen?
or are these the things that may happen?
The choice is yours
Will we chose wisely?
Humans choose wisely!!!
Biden along with others from outside have the prize!
I triple dog dare you to take back!
I triple dog dare you!
Anybody notice big mikes male pattern baldness?
Nobody's here
Reality says
Now you'll never need it
If you didnt have it you'd need it.
Better safe than sorry
A Hillary clone!
Defeat 500 million
A warning