So this letter is floating on 4chan — worth a read? It states what we already know, and has a wealth of references
So this letter is floating on 4chan — worth a read? It states what we already know, and has a wealth of references
Awwww, this is so cute you guys! Consensus builders tag-teamibg each other - so original!! Keep trying, it'll work guys! Dont worry about the thousands who have failed here before you, maybe all the anons have recently suffered head injuries and now we're finally down there on your low, low intellectual level! Give it all you've got!!!
What I know is that you've never known anything but failure in your life. You reek of it, and it is sad. Think of it — look at yourself and what you are choosing to do in this moment in time. It is very sad and pathetic.
What I also know because of where we are and who anons are is that someone on this board is very likely praying for your sad self - because anons pity you sad, broken people and are grateful not to be like you
We aren't on this board to hide or deceive - quite the opposite. Perhaps more reading and less posting might help you to understand where you are and what goes on here - because you do appear to be quite lost at the moment
Don't give up. Stay here and learn, but most important is never give up
No. successful people don't act like you. they've no need to. The reason you aren't able to see that is that you're not a successful person
Who is virtue signaling? You also sound more than a little paranoid
Had to steal this - it is meme perfection
if it's yours, keep at it – it hits the nail on the head - with humor and absurdity. I love it
This is horrific. Can you post the link to the origin?
Thank you. This needs to be notabled – this is criminal and people need to know
From Florida. Welp, I guess we are about to find out what kind of human DeSantis really is. If he stays silent, we will know