Devolve it all and start over. All of Congress needs to be fired. Start from scratch.. Collapse it and replace the current congress with new paper ballot elected officials. All of them have to go. All of them. Those who are legit can re-run for their positions.
They must be bi-vocational with minimum pay from Congress - the same as jury duty pay. Their service as a Congressional member cannot be "their job."
>Serving in Congress in the 18th century was a distinct honor, but also a hardship. Traveling between home states and New York City or Philadelphia, where Congress met between 1785 and 1800, could be arduous. Living in these cities, while stimulating, was expensive and congressmen received pay of only $6 a day. It also meant several months of each year living away from livelihood and usually from family. During the 1790s, one-third of the members of the Senate resigned while in office.