Anonymous ID: 523a36 Sept. 27, 2021, 12:13 p.m. No.14673425   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3448 >>3466

Matthew award 2018


“Is it true that the Illuminati are trying to dumb-down the World’s population via various means?” The Illuminati, the secret society formed only two and a half centuries ago, therefore quite new in your history, has indeed been employing various means to keep the population ignorant of truths. But the “dumbing-down” of Earth’s current civilization began in antiquity, speaking linearly, with the manipulation of DNA.


In the beginning of life forms in this universe, human bodies’ cellular structure was crystalline, the lightest possible composition of a dense form. Somewhere along the line, individuals influenced by the dark forces used Creator’s gift of free will and its inherent manifesting ability to manipulate the DNA of a population that had little or no resistance experience.


Like everything else in existence, DNA strand composition is energy fluctuating at one electromagnetic frequency or another and as such, cannot be destroyed. However, strands can be put into a state of dormancy, and that is what those dark entities did except for the two that are required in the makeup of a dense body. They withdrew a large quantity of light from those two active strands to lower their vibratory frequency and change bodies’ cells from crystalline to carbon.


That enabled the entities to decrease the civilization’s intelligence, sentience and conscience levels along with their manifestation capacity, and to instill feelings of separateness and egocentricity; characteristics of violence, rage, greed, dishonesty, brutality, bigotry and lust for control; vulnerability to illness and other forms of physical and mental degeneration; aging and death. The progeny of that population inherited their cellular structure with all of its weaknesses and passed it on to their children, who passed it on to theirs, and so on for eons.


That situation started to change when highly evolved civilizations beamed a massive infusion of light to Earth over eight decades ago. Bodies of individuals who embraced that light initiated the cell transformation process, and a number of souls that incarnated during the past three decades or so came in with crystalline cells. Among them are children for whom dark ones in your medical industry concocted the diagnosis attention deficit disorder or that plus hyperactivity, and the drugs prescribed by doctors curtailed development of those children’s innate abilities.


Some parents intuitively declined medicating their children, but most followed doctors’ advice—the populace has been brainwashed to believe “authorities know best.” Dark ones also suppressed technology that could nurture the uniqueness of crystalline-celled autistic children, and chemicals in food and toxins in vaccines have added their own damage.


When these truths become public knowledge, the drugging of children will end, so will the proliferation of chemicals and inoculations, and all beneficial technologies will be brought forth. As more and more souls come in with regenerated DNA, gradually Earth’s civilization will be restored to humankind’s original makeup.

Anonymous ID: 523a36 Sept. 27, 2021, 12:17 p.m. No.14673448   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3817


>Among them are children for whom dark ones in your medical industry concocted the diagnosis attention deficit disorder or that plus hyperactivity, and the drugs prescribed by doctors curtailed development of those children’s innate abilities.


AKA you autists

Anonymous ID: 523a36 Sept. 27, 2021, 12:39 p.m. No.14673582   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3630

Meditate and ask that your DNA be activated and that you absorb the light that is being sent. You will start seeing synchronicities as your DNA is activated and your long ago cut DNA strands begin to be reactivated.