full disclosure. Not an expert diggeranon. Anyway, here goes. Covid 19 IS NOT a virus. What is it then? I haven't figured that out yet. Here's where I am so far. We have, without knowing it, parasites living in our bodies, in our cells. Who knows when or where we got it. For oldanon it could have been over 40 years ago. There are no medical tests for determining this presence of parasites in our bodies. One thing those unknown parasites are doing is weakening us oldtimer's immune systems, plus the youngers who have 'heath problems and there we go, we die early because of this Covid 19. (what did Q often say: can't remember the exact quote but it was that one part of something is fake while the total is real).
We aren't dealing with Covid19, it's a weak flu.. We dealing with the main pathogen allowing other diseases (heart, cancer, etc) to kill us (Covid19 today). We dealing with parasites, Prove me wrong.