foreign anon's opinion.
i don't say this lightly. people in the military especially, but all police, health workers, etc., who are facing compulsory vaccination should just quit. to hell with any and all consequences. these shots are literally and truly satanic, don't doubt it. this is the "it" we've been waiting for for 2000 years.
if you are a military person, a policeman: i know it's rough out there with jobs and families and pensions and livelihoods. i'm just telling you straight: you will be able to do more for your country, when the chips are down and the mob is up, as a homeless vet with a brick in your hand, than as a pawn in their games in some random foreign field, no matter what hi-tech gear they give you and hi-tech vaccinations you've had.
the same goes for health workers. send a message with your feet. get out and save your soul. what profits it a man…
fuck 'em. get the hell out, and then really annoy the bastards.