Anonymous ID: 788b03 Sept. 28, 2021, 3:53 a.m. No.14678135   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8174 >>8189

foreign anon's opinion.


i don't say this lightly. people in the military especially, but all police, health workers, etc., who are facing compulsory vaccination should just quit. to hell with any and all consequences. these shots are literally and truly satanic, don't doubt it. this is the "it" we've been waiting for for 2000 years.


if you are a military person, a policeman: i know it's rough out there with jobs and families and pensions and livelihoods. i'm just telling you straight: you will be able to do more for your country, when the chips are down and the mob is up, as a homeless vet with a brick in your hand, than as a pawn in their games in some random foreign field, no matter what hi-tech gear they give you and hi-tech vaccinations you've had.


the same goes for health workers. send a message with your feet. get out and save your soul. what profits it a man…


fuck 'em. get the hell out, and then really annoy the bastards.



Anonymous ID: 788b03 Sept. 28, 2021, 4:09 a.m. No.14678197   🗄️.is 🔗kun


this is exactly right. spiritual science teaches that the sun and moon are placed in their respective orbits to match our present evolutionary needs for an alternating waking and sleeping consciousness.


we didn't evolve in response to the celestial conditions we find. these outer conditions are matched to our needs at any given point in our evolution. this is esoteric science 101.


take a look at what astronomers call the "axis of evil" – there's a distinct axis to the visible universe that coincides with our orbital axis around the sun. it's so obvious they thought it must be some kind of optical anomaly, but satellite probes confirmed that this was so. the "axis of creation" of the universe is based on our earth. unthinkable to the "normal" mind. again, spiritual science 101.


interesting that modern scientists call it the "axis of evil", because it upends their idea that the universe has no preferred direction. let alone that we puny earthlings and our miserable existences determine this cosmic axis.

Anonymous ID: 788b03 Sept. 28, 2021, 4:16 a.m. No.14678217   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8221 >>8224


mass-produced meat is a totally hideous industry.


people here go on about adenochrome – meat eaters are no better. they drive those animals into vast feedlots where for days they are surrounded by sights and sounds of death. pumps up adrenaline and all kinds of other stress hormones in their blood. and then you eat it. please.


i'm sorry, i don't want to sound like a leftie vegan fanatic, but the bible says the diet in the garden of eden was the fruits of the trees and the herbs of the field. there's no question that our primal diet was vegan.


and for all those who insist on putting fish in jesus' mouth, remember he said, "stop fishing for fish, start fishing for men".


stop fishing for fish.