I love some Kabuki theater.
Hey the closed hearing isn't for the people.
Where the real truth is.
This hearing is fake and ghey
I love some Kabuki theater.
Hey the closed hearing isn't for the people.
Where the real truth is.
This hearing is fake and ghey
Pay respect to the troops
Make them feel warm and fuzzy
See folks the top brass aren't complicit
Hear their staged answers.
Over and over and over.
Gubberment shuts down Thursday.
Is it October yet?!
These fags need a break.
The first round is completed.
Onto the second round.
Fuggin woke fucks need some food.
Reread your script fuckers
Be a good actor
The most interesting thing going on right now is the amount of shills remaining on thos board.
Y'all don't get a vacation.
Friendly reminder shills.
Every single appointed jcos is appointed by Trump.
Biden is not the president.
If he was he would have cleaned house.
The Shills
Respectfully suck
Under the guise of anons
Meaningless bread fillers
Pointless disinformation
When will it end?
Only a few know
Nobody gets out.