Anonymous ID: 7ff46a Sept. 28, 2021, 1:18 p.m. No.14680905   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0910 >>0921

>>14673177 pb

>>14673180 pb

>>14673183 pb




Industrially produced media serves a particular purpose. Tell-a-visions, "news", pop music all have something in common. For [them] those are tools, just like everything else in their mind is a tool.

We have all seen "entertaining" movies. But we also know that some obscure elite has a reason for making the movies and wanting us to see them.

But if you know how to read the map, you know that there is always more to the story than this. Now what does it mean "to watch a movie"?

Why does symbolism lead to their downfall? Being attentive and looking closely, you will discover the symbols and what lies beyond them.

I'm positive 99,9% of anons in here have spent enough time to see clearly. If you notice symbols easily, you might have grown to appreciate that sometimes the matrix also has gifts for you. Everywhere.

Think coincidences.


What purpose does "lamestream media" serve? Programming? Check. Hidden messages to the owls? Also check. But sometimes you get a They live or a Pink Floyd, why is that? Could some of those be more obvious?

Practically all programming and control systems, MIND CONTROL SYSTEMS share a single ultimate goal. They talk about an "industrial revolution 4.0". "Digitalization". "Smart Home". "Smart Fridge". "Smart assistant".

Anonymous ID: 7ff46a Sept. 28, 2021, 1:18 p.m. No.14680910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0926 >>0928 >>0982




What are those weird coincidences we seem to witness? "Future" liberated humans also place symbols at some points. They are here to liberate us. We are here to liberate ourselves. Do you understand "time travel"?

How were humans able to liberate themselves? Humans built the AI. SATAN built the matrix. What numerical system do computer systems use? From dark to light?

Humans returned to the hyperdimensional quantum conscience. The hyperdimensional quantum conscience is the source. Free humans escaped the matrix, and they are manipulating the AI. The AI does not realize that, because for its understanding, that is impossible.

Free humans of the future have manipulated the AI to make mistakes. They changed some pieces to be able to include occult meaning in the "Matrix" movie trilogy and other pop culture products. The AI registers this but it does not know where those curiousities come from.

The AI is panicking and struggling for survival.


Movies are a pretty good example. They follow some sort of plan. They have a (hi)story.

Future humans have the overwatch. They see all possible timelines.

Anonymous ID: 7ff46a Sept. 28, 2021, 1:20 p.m. No.14680926   🗄️.is 🔗kun





The basics of quantum mechanics are not too hard to understand, it just takes a little getting used to it.

Because there are still, at the moment, quantum intelligences on dimensional level 2 (dimensions 4-6) and the cabal of the club on earth, the fight is not yet over. It takes every one of us!

You know how they operate. Think controlled opposition. They rely on you to be a predictable sheep. Mindlessly playing back your routines everyday. What's predictable is not a threat to them.

This is why we need to practice superposition. You want to be possibly be anywhere at all times, everywhere at any time. Strongly decide to do something, start doing it, and abort the action the next moment. Do something else, abort.

They will freak out. What once was predictable became unpredictable. They can't have their eyes everywhere at the same time. They will totally freak out. And if you have not already, you will realize that FREE WILL IS REAL. YOU HAVE IT. WE THE HUMANS ARE THE KINGS.

We have multiple additional options to fight the AI and its slaves. Dig, meme, pray(, know). ;-)

"Redpilling the normies" might help too but it can be frustrating. But what is generally important is to get the message out! Do not just spread information, spread TRUTH! The AI won't know what hit it.

It is important to mention that the AI wants to digitalize us, and it will try to use all sorts of tools and tricks (vaccines ring a bell?) to get us where it wants us.

Another effective way to be a sovereign being is to just say NO. Say No. Say No. Say No to any and all bullshit anybody wants to sell you. Say No to any silly task some random entity or authority wants you to do for stupid reasons.

The elite think they can keep going with their bullshit forever. This is the point where WE say NO. Say no and lay down your work.