Archi ID: 56a9f7 Feb. 9, 2022, 3:30 p.m. No.15589084   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We must open the main gates of pyramids around the world We have to find it


It's a tower's more than 10 floor's


They say a million stones

Look inside the tower


Those who made the pyramids are messing around


It's about how you build it


Sphinx maybe 5 floor's


Sphinx is the most important character

Friend of Aliens maybe.But people can build it


You need to build a tower the way you want it. to cover it with hair stones


See what fake gate looks like


see where science stock


Hang with the tower Wall


As long as they enter with the fake gates


40% emptiness 60% Mass


Who can draw a tower With these specifications floor's and distributes rooms


These towers differ in stability


good engineers


not less than 100 room in the Great Pyramid


This maze because they're entering

Wrong ways like sneak


Do not be deceived by stones


Sciences mock themselves


These pyramids around the world are not a coincidence


Built to last there something but sciences is the problem

Archi ID: 56a9f7 Feb. 10, 2022, 7:16 a.m. No.15593642   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We must oppose the theories of scientists


What if we humans went to them


Flying saucer Maybe Noah's Ark


Hollywood's idea of ​​aliens They are better than humans


There is no proof of that in fact The people went there today They can go further in the future especially with rocket dick 😉
