Are we susceptible to parasitic invasion?
Why is beer (yeast/fungus) pushed by the media? [Shuts down Vit C absorption]
Why is promiscuity pushed by the media? [How parasites primarily spread]
Why are all mammals prescribed an annual parasitic detox except humans?
Can parasites affect mood and thoughts and make their hosts zombies?
Are humans aware that parasites and fungus can affect the type of foods you crave? [Sugar]
Homosexuals crave anal play naturally or by a parasite? [Parasites want to spread]
Are demons as simple as something that's invaded your body like a parasite would?
Can we defeat evil just by cleansing the world of parasites with HCQ/Ivermectin/Quercitin and free our minds?
Anyways, check out the damn link I'm done being larpy, my mind is blown with this parasite red-pill.