Anonymous ID: d3099d Sept. 29, 2021, 9:46 a.m. No.14686744   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6750 >>6757

Hey guys.

Could anyone point me to the digs or evidence of the digs regarding the fake staging of scenes of the Biden admin being in the white house in the beginning?

I remember we narrowed things down to a company that builds life size stages for filming movies and shit and tied that to people around Biden or Clinton to varying degrees.

That's the gist of my question but here's a few more details below that I remember:


There were views out of the window biden sat in front of in the "oval office" that didn't match up to anons working through recalling how the physical layout of objects and movements generally look outside of the window of the oval office.

We saw a car drive by one day, past the window and recalled there isn't a road there (or maybe the opposite; there's supposed to be a road there, but wasn't present other times we remembered).

We also saw Don walking around in the background of the shot, again through a window next to Biden as he sat and gave a speech or signed some papers or some shit.

This is about around the time we suspected Barry was using a green screen and it was also around the time of the footage of Biden approaching a few journalists, with their sound equipment outstretched. In said footage, we see Biden's hand do a visual glitch where it sits overtop a microphone in a layer like in photoshop like we're viewing Biden on a green screen, which is one of the big things that prompted this dig.


Thanks to anyone that can help.

Anonymous ID: d3099d Sept. 29, 2021, 10:05 a.m. No.14686864   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7150


Yes. That was genuinely one of the findings here at the beginning of the year,shortly after "Biden" took the office.

We found a company which makes life size replica sets of the Oval Office and we suggested it was probably in use.