Anonymous ID: ba8f18 May 19, 2018, 10:49 a.m. No.1470039   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I know I shouldn't respond to this, the shill doesn't deserve the (you).


U do know u sound insane here right? The definition of insane is doing the same thing over & over & expecting different results. For months u've posted the same BS day in day out. No one here (true autists) is, has, or will buy into ur bs FE. A smart person would realize their ineffectiveness. Plus when ur the only one who claims to know the truth with pretty much no one taking ur bait, it's time to examine ur self.


If the earth were flat, navigation wouldn't work. U do know & understand what a nautical mile is & why it's used vs regular miles, right?

Why, when travelling across country does a mountain slowly rise as u approach it? If what u state is true, ignoring the fact I can't see mountains from many states away, then at some magical point the whole mountain would reveal itself whole, not slowly rising as u approach it.

Or how about the coriolis effect? explain that one on a FE.

Or how come I can't see the north star from the southern hemisphere? Have u ever seen a time lapse photo of the stars from the equator?


I could go on but it's worthless to try with u. U just deflect to another question without actually answering or ignore completely.


& for the record, I have researched FE, many years ago & saw it for the psyop it is.


All right, I'm done arguing with a FEtard. Got better RL shit to do.