Anonymous ID: da9f0e May 19, 2018, 10:43 a.m. No.1469974   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0008 >>0044


To all Flat Earth proponents! Now is not the time to try and force or introduce any debate or FE digs into these threads.




  1. You will most likely be descibed as a shill.

  2. Real shills will see it as an opportunity to further shit up the bread.

  3. You are not helping the wider cause and certainly you are sliding the research and thought process away from the plan which Q is endeavouring to work, by directing Anons who are

working tirelessly in accordance with that plan.

  1. Anyone who has not thoroughly researched the FE topic simply cannot comprehend that we just might not live on a spinning ball, which is perfectly understandable given what has been taught

for over a 100 years now, and in turn they will label you a lunatic.


There is as you know already, a whole world of YouTube and web sites that likely far surpasses the size of this movement and clearly many of you (like myself) have carried out extensive

research on this topic and you have your beliefs, proofs and evidence. That said NOW IS NOT THE TIME AND PLACE!!


Q has already given clues/hints by asking questions such as "What if there is already a cure for cancer"? and "How close is the nearest star"?


This strongly suggests that there is potentially already a cure for cancer, plus science and NASA telling us that the sun is 93,000,000 miles away

is highly questionable and ought to confirm to you something related to FE.


If and when any such FE revelation is to be made through this board then Q will likely direct/drop more clues accordingly, but until then I would urge you not to try and randomly introduce

your beleifs and proofs just because you have them. There is a schedule to Q's plan and it needs to be meticulously followed if it is to succeed. My guess is that FE won't come out until

the enormity of what is currently being uncovered has been accepted by the normies, at that point they will be far more prepared to be shocked and blown away by anything FE.


In short, don't de-focus the priority objectives of the board/threads by pressing your FE beliefs and proofs here unless and until it is confirmed as part of the plan, it will get you nowhere.


You all clearly have the type of inquisitive minds that are required to question everything that the cabal has already indoctrinated us with and wants us to believe, so why not

(like myself) try to put those well practiced research skills and traits to good use by helping to dig and uncover other information on whatever topic is current in accordance with

Q's plan.


FE will have it's day, whether truth or otherwise, but putting it out there here and now is just not helpful to defeating the current widespread corruption, child trafficing and everything

else that is going on under our noses, that shouldn't be.

