One of the unique phenomenons around Julian Assange is that he is unifying in all sectors.
Both political parties in the US want him gone in order to protect their corruption and to legally gag exposure of their future crimes:
and both subsets of citizens (self declared liberal or conservative) generally want him free in order to continue to expose that very same corruption.
His case, represents the flow of power, and who indeed will control the direction we as a People take.
Are we to be the toys of despots whose homes are gated and workplaces gilded in barbed wire? Or will the voice of the People be heard and their mounting pressure force a reckoning with the out-of-touch criminal elite?
There is a curious cost here, that hangs in the balance.
If the US proceeds with trying for the extradition, they may succeed in gaining terrifyingly powerful legal precedent to silence you, but in doing so; will have utterly lost the will of the People. It will be a self injurious wound in the end that will likely usher in their collective downfall (if we are to measure by historical standard at least).
If they back away from this corrupt case, as they certainly should; then free speech has won, new generations of leakers will be doubly emboldened, and while humanity will benefit across the board; for the elitists whose lives depend on their crimes being kept hidden, it spells certain doom.
This catch 22, places us in an interesting paradigm that we, as a world connected by nearly instant communication, have never been in before.
The choices of the elite are neither one going to benefit them.
However, if they truly intend on remaining in power, it would be wise to remember that authority to rule is delegated, it is not a right. It can be removed, and if it is forcefully removed by virtue of a true failure of rule, it can be ugly indeed.
The days ahead, either way, promise a great deal of change. I am reminded of Bobby Kennedy's words spoken so long ago about latin america in 1966:
"A revolution is coming – a revolution which will be peaceful if we are wise enough; compassionate if we care enough; successful if we are fortunate enough – but a revolution which is coming whether we will it or not. We can affect its character; we cannot alter its inevitability"