Anonymous ID: 24506b Oct. 2, 2021, 9:12 a.m. No.14706329   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6333 >>6338 >>6441 >>6475 >>6593

Ok, I am a complete science nerd, but I've never heard of this person. After reading just an initial bit, I think I understand why….


Any smart anons with knowledge/insight? Thanks in advance!



The fascinating work of theSwedish physicist Hannes Alfvenlighted the tortuous path to the answer. In the 1950’s he discovered a kind of energy which nobody even thought existed, which he labeled“magnetohydrodynamic” energy. Abbreviated, it’s called mhd.Actually, it’s a combination of magnetic, electrical, and physical forces.


It can be described best with what I call a “kitchen example”. Suppose you took a glass cylinder containing mercury at room temperature – and everyone knows it’s “molten” or liquid under those conditions. It’s so dense that you can float a glass mirror on top of it. So let’s do just that, and make some scratches on the mirror. If you shine a light down on the mirror, the light beam will reflect on the ceiling and show images of the scratches in the mirror on the ceiling.


Now let’s put an agitator – like a miniature version of a washing machine agitator – in the bottom of the cylinder of mercury, with a shaft or axle going through the bottom of the cylinder, and fastened to the agitator. Let’s put a handle on the end of the shaft sticking out of the bottom of the cylinder. We can twirl the agitator back and forth with the handle (slowly only, because the mercury is so dense and heavy) and agitate the mercury in the glass cylinder.


When we agitate the mercury in this fashion we find that the slipperiness of the mercury, atom to atom, is so great that all of the motion of the agitator is absorbed by the mercury before it ever reaches to top surface where the mirror is. The mirror won’t budge.


If we wind a wire around the glass cylinder and connect it to a battery, we will have an electromagnet – following the same principles used in the doorbell or your home. There is an electrical current flowing around the cylinder, and a magnetic field going through the cylinder, end-to-end.


Now we find that things have changed. When we rotate the agitator back and forth, the mercury acts as if it were a plastic, or near-solid. The mirror makes all of the moves that the agitator does, showing that the mercury has lost its internal slipperiness, and is moving integrally as if it were almost solid.


Alfven tried a refined version of this experiment in his laboratory, and this is how the phenomenon was discovered. It was first reasoned that tiny electrical charges, called “eddy current”, were being generated in the mercury, which in turn were generating tiny local opposing magnetic fields, and this was causing the solidifying effect. He reasoned that if this were true, the larger the diameter he made the glass cylinder, the bigger the electrical current and the stronger the magnetic field would have to be to maintain the same physical force link between the agitator and mirror.


He built another agitator vessel with a larger diameter cylinder of mercury – and found the reverse to be true! The larger the diameter of the glass cylinder, the less magnetic field strength and electric current needed to maintain the physical force link between agitator and mirror. This seemingly broke all the rules of known Physics and Engineering.


Hannes Alfven realized that he had discovered the existence of a kind of energy, traveling from the agitator to the mirror, which was previously undetected by any scientist. His rigorous mathematical work in expanding James Clerk Maxwell’s three ingenious equations for expressing electromagnetic radiation (radio broadcast to you) showed that there were electrical, magnetic, and physical force fields acting as a combined field between the agitator and mirror.


Alfven expanded his mathematical research to show that space is literally as sea of mhd energy, and that, as weak as the magnetic field of any blue-white star is, it is strong enough to support an internal mhd energy structure within the star.

Anonymous ID: 24506b Oct. 2, 2021, 9:36 a.m. No.14706390   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6412 >>6421 >>6434





Speaking of washers and agitators…


Does anyone here know why the Vice President's Residence is the Naval Observatory in Washington D.C.?


I already know the answer, as I held a Yankee White Clearance, just figured some of you might be interested.


Now we know that the molten layers inside the Earth act just like the cylinder of mercury in Alfven’s experiment. As long as they are permeated with mhd energy, they act as if they were plastic, or near-solid.


We also know that the shell of the Earth – which includes the oceans, the crust, and a teeny part of the mantle – is not dynamically balance as it stands today. Rough computations show that there is a huge torque of 48.6x 10,000,000,000,000,000,000 ton-miles tending to rotate the shell about the Earth’s interior;Greenland and Antarctica could move toward the equator in less than half-a day were the shell free to make the shift.


As long as the inner mhd energy structure remains strong enough to make the molten layers act as near-solids the shell will not shift position about the earth’s interior. To be sure, the shell is shifting ever so gradually; the subject is covered excellently in the paper Latitude and Longitude, and the Secular Motion of the Pole by Dr. Markowitz of the U.S. Naval Observatory in Washington D.C.


However, at the time of the cataclysm the entire Solar System passes through a magnetic null zone in the Milky Way Galaxy. The null zones are sometimes popularly called “reversal zones”, and so they are, for the magnetic fields on either side of galactic null zones are in opposite directions. Some physicists have found that we are heading into another null zone at an accelerating rate; it is a known fact of geophysics that the Earth’s magnetic field strength, now over 35% less than 300 years ago, is decreasing faster and faster; we are indeed approaching a null zone. In any case, when going through a null zone, our planet’s inner mhd energy structure is diminished to the extent that the outer, shallow molten layer, 60 miles thick, is allowed to act as a free liquid. No longer does it bind the shell of the Earth to its interior which starts 120 miles deep, as the mirror was bound through the mercury to the agitator by mhd energy in Hannes Alfven’s experiment.


The shell of the Earth is freed to find a new dynamic balance about the Earth’s interior. It shifts in the direction the torque imbalance of the shell dictates it must go to find its new balance – and the 60-mile deep, white-hot (2,5000+ deg. F.) molten layer beneath the outer solid shell lubricates the shift all the way.

Anonymous ID: 24506b Oct. 2, 2021, 9:39 a.m. No.14706402   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Like what? ACLIT-WART?


Think You Just Created a Novel Derogatory Term…


I just want to Kick Joe "Son of the #TOYRUN" Biden in his tiny little KEYSTONES….

Anonymous ID: 24506b Oct. 2, 2021, 9:45 a.m. No.14706418   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6423 >>6433 >>6493 >>6499 >>6738


Annnnnnnd…..Of course the NIGGER is riding the bike….


FUN FACT: The word "NIGGER" comes from the King James Bible, written and edited by William the Spear-Shaker, (Think Spartan Heritage) a.k.a. Lord Francis Bacon, who is responsible largely for the standardization of both science and the English language. Anyways, NIGGARDLY as used in the KJV meant LAZY AS FUCK!, hence all the whips!

Anonymous ID: 24506b Oct. 2, 2021, 9:52 a.m. No.14706433   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6439



Military Trivia Time!


Who can tell me what this is? (The cord)


Tick-Tock…Tick Tock….


HINT: ISR Single Point of Failure ("You were dumb…. Now! You're ARMY DUMB! HOOAH!)

Anonymous ID: 24506b Oct. 2, 2021, 9:54 a.m. No.14706443   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6466


Huh, you's is a Dumb NIGGER!


Pretty sure the term was being used prior to the year 1796, when the river you referenced was discovered.


You might want to take a research class at the Anacostica Free VD Clinc/Learning Annex…

Anonymous ID: 24506b Oct. 2, 2021, 9:59 a.m. No.14706461   🗄️.is 🔗kun


General Mi Li was/is what we call an Air Conditioned Trailer Officer. Or as in the CIA a Cubicle Nigger like ole' John "Partially Halal Buttfuckin Goats" Brennan…

Anonymous ID: 24506b Oct. 2, 2021, 10:06 a.m. No.14706490   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Sorry was shitposting a bit…


Merrcury isn't kool-aid! ~ Sir Issac Jewton


Just perusing and transcribing Chan Thomas' CIA Declassified Book, The Adam and Eve Story….


Will have a PDF Version of the transcription available hopefully within the week. There are missing pages, and shitty scans on the DeClassified Version. CIA Niggers playing games as always.

Anonymous ID: 24506b Oct. 2, 2021, 10:12 a.m. No.14706507   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6543


Oh… for fuck's sake. Lot of Spanish and Portuguese Plantation Owners in the South Retard? The KJV Bible was the most widely distributed book, and including your father, in the 1970s approximately a third of human adults were illiterate.


Here we sit 50 years later and we're sitting a 1% of motherfucker possessing the slightest level of READING COMP!!!





Anonymous ID: 24506b Oct. 2, 2021, 10:24 a.m. No.14706565   🗄️.is 🔗kun


pssst… look it up…in the KJV Bible…old copies. Not the Democrat Edited ones of today. Lot and lots of Post War German Families in the South…. I grew up in the South. I served in the Military for 23+ years. Performed Presidential Security 99-04.


You are still sucking off the teat of their knowledge base…



Anonymous ID: 24506b Oct. 2, 2021, 10:35 a.m. No.14706608   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You're way late to the Suicide Bombing Goatfucker….


It's called Rendition…


Just kidding Love You Anon…I get what you're getting at to get it correctly and totally…


Wenn ein Cuck lutschen würde und Chuck Cuck würde, wie viele Cucks muss Holz Chuck dann lutschen, damit Nancy eine Ente ficken kann?

