Military from over 100 Nations on alert. Military from over 100 Nations sharing information on possible FF's. Military from over 100 Nations babysitting while the Great Awakening continues. It's only a matter of time now. How fast the Great Awakening occurs is now in Patriot hands. We're (Military / White Hats / Patriots) working together, no one above another, shoulder to shoulder, to save humanity. If God is with us who can be against us?
What happens when the Military comes out of stealth and begins to clamp down on Elite circles? How many will start talking like a gossip queen locked in a closet for 2 days?
D5 - Avalanche of information, prosecutable information. God doesn't lose…
The hunt for Red October was them [Cabal] hunting for US. As with everything else they did a poor job.
Red October design - A submarine so quiet it can't be detected, built to lie of the coast of an enemy and shower it's targets with multiple warheads with little or no warning/defense of it's attack. Anons, doesn't that sound just like the [Cabal] and it's infiltration of America? Stock Market Crash in October? Russian hostile takeover by Bolsheviks in October? Their symbolism will be their downfall.
Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming
November 1st will be the dawn of a new day for America and the World. Save America save the World.
Ditto anon. I am paid now to heal the world and move it forward into the light. I could be living in luxury and massive federal influence (career) had my morals not been reset by God.
There are MANY principled and honest anons / patriots.
They [Cabal] knew we were passing into a new era of humanity. They [Cabal] knew that there would be a 're-make' of this realm, both spiritually and physically, so they invented the 'Great Reset'
Patriots have OTHER PLANS. Make no mistake, this realm (Earth) will be reset, but not by the darkness.
You can't put a price on the value of honesty to your own spirit. We are forever and losing our spiritual connection to God for the blink of an eye lifetime on Earth is cray cray…
For the [Cabal] there is no tomorrow. The dying of the darkness is dawning into a new day… Hint - Every civilization has had to endure these tricksters [Cabal] for billions of years. It's a normal part of maturing as a race and as servants of God's will.
The real ammunition that is yet to be used is Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Nicki Manaj, and the countless throngs of other Hollywood/Music Industry young women who were treated like slut concubines…
Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming
Trump asks Federal Court to re-instate his twitter account
God doesn't lose. God doesn't forget. God gets even. God is a vengeful God. And to think, you're prayers are #1 in the queue.. Don't get even. Pray to God to get even for you. Pray for vengeance and for justice.
God never loses. He is unbeaten since the beginning and till the end of time.
There is growing chatter that Britney is freeing her self of her non-disclosures and that is the story behind her business moves.
Interesting times when the women of Hollywood who have been used as sex toys by the Hollywood/Political elite for decades start lining up to talk… This, I contend is the nail in the coffin. Hundreds of millions of 15 - 35 year old females waking up all at one time? (currently) Game over…