Anonymous ID: c2babd Oct. 2, 2021, 11:12 a.m. No.14706778   🗄️.is 🔗kun



have the clowns left the circus?


"The Prophet (SAW) has taught us the best of deeds are those that done consistently, even if they are small.


That was when the verse about the spider’s web in Surah Al-Ankaboot came to my mind:



“The parable of those who take protectors other than Allah is that of the spider, who builds (to itself) a house; but truly the flimsiest of houses is the spider’s house;- if they but knew. ” [29:41]


“This is how Allah described the idolators in their reverence of gods besides Him, hoping that they would help them and provide for them, and turning to them in times of difficulties. In this regard, they were like the house of a spider, which is so weak and frail, because by clinging to these gods they were like a person who holds on to a spider’s web, who does not gain any benefit from that. If they knew this, they would not take any protectors besides Allah.”


Tafsir Al Jalalayn: “The likeness of those who choose besides God [other] patrons, namely idols from whom they hope to profit, is as the likeness of the spider that makes a home for itself in which to shelter. And truly the frailest, the weakest, of homes is the home of the spider – for it neither protects it from heat nor cold – likewise, idols cannot benefit those who worship them – if they only knew this, they would not worship them.”