Anonymous ID: f59da4 Oct. 2, 2021, 8:53 a.m. No.14706272   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6298





lol….nice….. I think I might have lifted those pics from that site….. had lost the site on a lappy crash….. thanks.

Anonymous ID: f59da4 Oct. 2, 2021, 9:35 a.m. No.14706386   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6400 >>6406


I see no difference in timelines when it comes to the old megalithic buildings around the world…. mostly made around the same time by the same civilization.


Steel is awesome… but it doesn't last…..a few hundred years and longer under different circumstances… that means regular upkeep over centuries.


When your ready to take the next step and build for centuries/millennia…100-1000's of years….. you start using rock.


All those building are the pinnacle of advancement…. not the "stone age retards" that history tries to convince everyone of.


As for the different shapes etc…different uses for each site…… mining… transport… repairs…. smelting…. living quarters…. science facility…. hospital….. airport…. the list goes on, not unlike it is now.


We were a worldwide civilization, not much different than today…. China has buildings that look different to Japan, that looks diff to European… to Australia…. to America….. all got own style.


And so many timelines have been merged which related to other times …. and some separate events from around the globe have been separated into many events, but are the same from a diff language/locality.


Our history is fucked…. and I suspect it's been done that way for the extra confusion, allowing others to dictate the narrative.


A complete and concise review of history MUST be done at some point, to correct all the bullshit.

Anonymous ID: f59da4 Oct. 2, 2021, 9:41 a.m. No.14706410   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Yup… EVERYONE has a place in it…. Truth is truth and no one should ever be afraid of revealing it…. the good, the bad and the downright ugly…. and there's plenty of that to learn about.

Knowing history gives you half a chance at not repeating it, if it was bad…. and encouraging it, if it was good.

Anonymous ID: f59da4 Oct. 2, 2021, 10:04 a.m. No.14706481   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6505 >>6516


It should be getting close to enough exposure now… as to the divide amongst doctors and nurses etc.

Those that care… and those that are there for the money ONLY.

There are good and bad EVERYWHERE in all walks of life.


I know a good smart honest doctor… when ALL the others joined forces to become a mega clinic….and sold out in every way to become a money factory… he fucked off and only treats a few…. he hates his fellow doctors and wishes he had done something else with his life…. and he's smart enough, that he could have done anything…. but he went into medicine because he genuinely cares.


He's a brilliant doctor, had a successful practice, until the mega clinic… he just lost faith in the system.


It is time for hospitals to be cleaned out of those that don't care…. dentists are the same too.