Pedo Fake News Washington Post approved
This lawn boy asks, ‘Where’s my part of the American Dream?’
By Carol Memmott
April 10, 2018
>Jonathan Evison takes a battering ram to stereotypes about race and class in his fifth novel, “Lawn Boy.” It’s a semi-autobiographical tale spiked with angst and anger, but also full of humor and lots of hope.
>Mike Muñoz is the lovable young hero of this engaging story in which people growing up outside the cushy world of the upwardly mobile get knocked down over and over. His deadbeat dad begins crushing his son’s spirit early. When 5-year-old Mike begs for a trip to Disneyland, Mr. Muñoz drives them to the nearby Bremerton, Wash., waterfront, where instead of “the Happiest Place on Earth,” Mike is treated to “the stench of dead clams and urine.” Peering around for Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, his father says, “Looks like they moved.”
by Carol Memmott
Is that Sister Carol Memmott from
Annawon Lodge No. 115
Volume 95 Number 5 MAY 2018
Annawon Lodge #115 A.F.& A.M.
Post Office Box 168
West Haven CT 06516-0168
Greetings Brethren:
First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to thank those of you that attended and participated in last month’s Fellowcraft Degree. Congratulations officers on demonstrating great floor work. Practice indeed makes perfect.
Our May 14th Stated Communication will be Ladies Night. We will open lodge at 6:30, go into refreshment and have dinner with our ladies (wives, girlfriends, daughters, etc) We will also take this opportunity to honor the widows of Annawon Lodge. Dinner is $15.00 per person. There will be no charge for Lodge widows. Please RSVP to Junior Warden Kyle Podpolucha at 203-427-5289.
We will not have a Stated Communication on May 28th due to Memorial Day. We will however be marching in the West Haven Memorial Day Parade. My car will be available for brothers that may not be able to march due to lack of physical capabilities . I am also welcoming DeMolay to march with us. Step off is at 10:30. We will meet at a location to be determined.
It is my hope that we will have a family picnic at the Lodge following the parade. Details to follow.
Steven R. Mullins
Worshipful Master
Golden Rod Chapter #34, O.E.S.
Greetings Sisters and Brothers,
This month, we will honor mothers at our regular meeting.Sisters Carol Memmott,PM, and Effie Yarrington, PM, will be providing the refreshments for the evening.
Our basket for the Grand Chapter Session was made by Sister Shirley Serrano, PM, and myself. Our Worthy Patron, Brother Bill Barr delivered the basket on Thursday morning, and he, Brother Bruce Bellmore, PP, and I attended the Grand Chapter Session.
Our annual dinner will be held on Sunday June 24, 2018 at 4PM. There will be a sign-up sheet for what dishes you are bringing and what you will be doing to make it successful at the May meeting.
If you are unable to attend our meeting, please notify the Worthy Patron or me.
Worthy Matron – Jane Thomson, PM
Worthy Patron – William K. Barr, PGP
“Kindness when given always keeps coming back”