Make your point in 5 minutes or less.
A meme is even better.
Fuck the CDC and fuck their guidelines.
God gives people babies. Not the CDC and not hospitals.
Hospitals have too many fucking rules any ways.
The same people who are causing infertility, develop fertility methods.
That's fucked up.
We need to stop tolerating their lies.
They tried to convince us that tolerance is love.
Tolerance is not love.
We need to put a stop to their nonsense.
But they ultimately have the same boss. The people at the top know what's going on. The peons do not.
They try to force us into it
Can't criticize gays or you're a homophobe
But we can choose to not participate in their nonsense.
Don't advocate or endorse their gay pride parades.
Don't take your kids to their perverted tranny library story hours.
Don't watch their homo TV shows and movies.
Don't buy products where gay people are on the commercials.
Don't go to their gay weddings which are a mockery of God.
Don't encourage people to "embrace" the gay lifestyle.
Don't tell gays that they are brave.
faggots are perverts
It's a step in the right direction.
If enough people refuse to participate in mob mentality, they no longer have a mob
If abortions are legal but all women refused to get an abortion, then the abortion problem would go away.
But they know this too. So then they would start to make laws that would force women into getting abortions.
Same with their stupid vax shots.
They are not content for people to be non-compliant with their agenda so they are forcing the vax
Resistance in non-consent.
The shills are mercenaries.
We are real digital soldiers.
You can't pay someone to be passionate.
They hate our Bill of Rights and have been chipping away at it.
Soon there will be nothing left of it.
I trust in God.
Double speak and Gish gallop might fool people, but it doesn't fool God.
People think they are smart when they are able to fool other people.
But God sees thru all of it.
God can take what others have intended for evil an miraculously turn it for good.
Proverbs 3:5-6
New International Version
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.[a]
But emotions create empathy and passion.
Psychopaths have no empathy.
We need both, logic & emotions.
Use your own judgement.
Trump is counting on people using their God given brains.
Don't be a sheep and blindly follow anyone.