Moar like they knew 'The Bill of Rights" says nothing and means nothing. Know they're just being obvious about it. 10:25 min-mark& on >>>
>>13228554 (QSG)
Moar like they knew 'The Bill of Rights" says nothing and means nothing. Know they're just being obvious about it. 10:25 min-mark& on >>>
>>13228554 (QSG)
emotions cloud judgement
>Double speak and Gish gallop
Is what we were taught by [them] to keep us as [their] ignorant sheep.
< For the SOLUTION!
For the [E]motions move us.
For the LACK of the KNOWLEDGE is with the PERISHING of the PEOPLE.
For this ANON is with the PEACEFUL-SOLUTIONS.
Having said that, what anon means is that 'we' have been taught to communicate in fictitious grammar. We comprehend what each other is saying, for the most part but [they] know the correct way of communication. So we are caught in an endless scheme to keep us as slaves. Been going on for 1000's of years.
For the SOLUTION is with the C.-S.-S.-C.-P.-S.-G.-P.-V.
No one ever went to war over a math problem.
6,698 viewsOct 2, 2021