Anonymous ID: a29e9d Oct. 4, 2021, 2:45 p.m. No.14721047   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>$20 says God is Q




>Here's 20


I do not usually open a physical bible to a random page.


I started stacking silver early this year. On 7/10/2021 (a great "Q-date, in terospect), I was doing something "silver spreadsheet" related and felt like I should open my "Living Bible" to whatever page I opened it to… "randomly" opened it to Page 356.


First 4 words on the page. Kek.


Haven't posted this before. Was quite a moment. Was followed by similarly-not-random related jaw-dropping events. Well, that's my whole life any more—"God alignments" have become pleasantly routine—imagine lots of anons can relate.


Anyway, if the amount of coinage I've got is going to be worth $2,000,000 (had to be The Living Bible version to get it spelled out in that form—more in footnotes), then no single coin, I do not care how small, is only going to be worth $20 in today's fiat. But I can take the other numbers on that coin, with some alphanumeric conversion, and make what i think it'll be. We're close.. not sure how close, but close.