>>14725455 (lb) - yeah I'm slow
>Jane Stroud: British woman originally from Nigeria develops gruesome skin disorder after second AstraZeneca viral vector DNA injection
DoD data show that 60% of “covid” hospitalizations in 65 and older patients are “fully vaccinated”
and many such other papers / videos / reports
Cov vax NOTHING to do with FIXING cov - cov is only out there for testing the VAX
Remember when we were told life expectancy will always increase
Problem is everybody is defective in one way or another, some more then others. Everybody is a little bit broken, DNA mutations are spreading (consequence of breeding), successive generations shorter telomere tails.
Generally people did start to live a little longer - propped up by supplemental medicines and even machinery but on the other hand new generations are successively sicker, more % of people are on life-long meds than ever before.
In fact if it weren't for modern medicines lifespans would be shorter then 100 years ago.
On the other hand the human body is amazingly adept, our own immune systems have by themselves learned from in the womb to correct for problems.
(important side note: only women have wombs - only women can give birth).
The woman from Nigeria above: exhibits symptoms of a, well not common, known condition that in the past occurred in Nigeria - a natural occurring mutation from a couple or more of generations back. of her birth place - her (and many other Nigerian's from the same area) own immune system didn't defeat but did manage the condition.
Many similar stories (different people from different backgrounds / places but with long-forgotten side effects.) Bells Palsy - old time British disease - also was on the wane by natural immunity … until …
So what's the cov vax got to do with it
DOD paper, couple of interesting things:
vaxxed are actually more likely to catch cov, more likely to get sicker, and (data from Israel/UK) more likely to need ICU and more likely to die.
successive vax doses appear less effective / lasting
and from other sources:
natural immunity is 13+ times better then vaxxing
some studies suggesting vax appears to compromise natural immunity. Sadly early days - so not generally accepted (not enough data).
The kicker, but most often overlooked is #4: vax appears to compromise natural immune system
in fact it explains:
#1, #2 and by default reinforces #3
why, eg. the woman above (and MANY other similar cases of rare complications (often significant that it's something from their personal background/ethnicity)'s previous generations)
why MANY with common underlying (but under control) conditions are getting sick dying - diabetes/fat, cancer (incl survivors)
an artcle out of UK (forgot where I saw it, GP or IW?) from UK undertakers: general death rate IS increasing
Early days pre-delta Cov notable for some doctors indicating recovered patients immune system appeared weaker. (now not reported)
yeah so I lied, the cov vax and cov are related
all these side effects, more people dying of other things
… but nothing quite explains: too variances (effects, timing, different effects in different countries / ethnic backgrounds).
well almost nothing explains the diversity except one thing may: _weakening natural immunities.__
the cov disease (bats, SARS, Spanish Flu) was gain-of-function researched - not so much for transmisibility, rather for it's effect of weakening the immune system
for the the cov vax: they copied that immune weakening (that's why the vax looks like the cov - spike - corona - in 3-D more like ball cactus)
purpose of the cov vax is to weaken the populations natural immunity - in preparation for the "next" big disease
Fauci HIMSELF on live TV told us more then once there is a next disease COMING - bragging on it!!
the next disease is already developed, waiting … waiting … >90% vaxxed: GO!
it's FAST and it's FATAL - thaat is if you get it
down side: doesn't spread easily
– solution: make the people more susceptible, weaken their natural protection
hence, vax vax vax, gotta vax em all.
almost all govts / bureaucrats also have no clue of the truth: they're not in on it, they were bought out.
money is no object: they can buy anyone, as many as needed to get it done.
– (anyway: after 90% depopulation money less useful - power, control, (private armies, weapons, take / own all the land, infra, machines…)