It's getting to the stage when I think that perhaps detaching from society isn't such a bad idea..
They do blend in very well. Must be their 'in disguise' training..
Is it a testimony or a job interview?
There was a time where these drag queens were just pantomime 'dames' that everyone laughed at because that's what they were there for, our amusement.
Now they're pushing political agendas everywhere as if it's the way humanity 'must' go..
Is he still alive? He seems to have fallen off the news radar recently..
>A couple of folks on twitter (yesterday) were bragging about how they were suddenly able to post pizza related stuff when previously they couldn't. COVID stuff still banned, but others seem to work, for now.
Funny you mention this, I posted a couple of videos on facebook earlier today that destroyed the covid vaccination narrative and Facebook was kind enough to inform me that the videos were ready to view instead of slamming their usual covid fact checking nonsense on them..
Losing control of facebook would be within their worst nightmare as they would then lose control of a massive audience to push their propaganda to, like they've been doing so far.
I wonder if yesterdays outage had something to do with the military (Trump's, not Biden's) testing how easy it would be to take control or something like that..
If all of these social media platforms were taken over at the same time and used to make sure that people saw the truth instead of the lies and propaganda, how massive an awakening would that be?
It would be more productive than simply shutting them down..
Such a simple yet effective message..
Perhaps a pair of flip-flops with some heals on them might have been a bit more comfortable than those shoes..
Damn.. Such a shame for her.. Uncomfortable shoes it is then..
The drips are turning into trickles..
They probably think it smells like marshmallows and unicorns.. In their own little fantasy world of make believe.
Watching this develop has been astonishing but can you imagine it going on in your back garden..? Incredible.
I think it's about to hit.. Too many ducks lining up for this month..
Class action against the media/social media, banks/governments, health authorities, Gates/Fauci/SAGE, basically everyone who has pushed the covid vaccine bullshyt on humanity..
Bring them all down and replace it with something that benefits humanity instead of holding it back.
>We are boiling. But there's still time to hop out of the pot.
Hmm, is the an admission that she's panicking?
No problems there anon.. I did link that post to another post but the link got lost along the way hence the confusing out of place randomness of it..