It could mean that the Chinese military and US military are allies in a silent war against the CCP, CIA, MI6, Mossad Axis.
World War 3 has been raging since at least 2012
Most people don't recognize it because they still believe that nuclear weapons are real
I would like everyone to consider what the nuclear hoax implies. Really, this could easily be the mother of all hoaxes of the twentieth century.
Consider that the nuclear bomb was impossible to make. The science was not there. The theories were incorrect. The geniuses of all geniuses were fabrications. Not even a thousand billion dollars could produce the impossible – a weapon of apocalyptic proportions, that produces the heat of 10,000 suns. Just bollocks. The bomb never made anyone surrender. It never won a war. It did not deter wars. It did not stop communism. The communists were never any nuclear threat. The cold war was based on poorly done fantasy movies. The build-up of military industrial complex, which was sustained to counter the Soviet nuclear threat, was actually a big lie. The massive secret infrastructure to counter the Soviet nuclear threat was a big lie as well. The space race based on superior technology is in question consequently. Excuse me, but the whole rationale for building the massive state super complex after WWII is a complete fraud. And all the nuclear paranoia promoted by the state is down right evil. Even now the rhetoric, that States fart out on mass media about this or that power trying to obtain nuclear weapons, is a complete charade.
I sleep better. There is no doomsday weapon and there has never been any. We’ve been tricked again.
Many other interesting articles on this blog and links to sources of much more information on nuclear and scienitific hoaxes and the reality of the Deep State