The other night I mentioned the fourth element in the Ag Au row. Here it is. How I refound it was decoding 5D, a day later. NOTE Here’s my decode on 5D . 5D =5 demensions =5x4= 20 in the mirror we have 45 a ref to Trump. If d=p=q=b we also have 5 d or doors 5 p or pawns 5 b or bitches 5 q or five queens.we also have the 5 times thier prospective gemtra which = 5x16 5x2 5x17 (as post number$) now we can also change them to addition and read the number 5 as the letter e. So we have E4 which is a military rank. Epoch 4 extinction 4 element4.. You know about the last post? D5 … = 4,5 <<< = four 5’s = 5555 funny it’s a palindrome huh? I know nothing 45 was the signifier < and a multiple of 11,11. Which is reverberation day. 22= bb be best which is part of the 5d decode. thats MELANIA'S ORGANIZATION
This is what they are all afraid of that’s why everything you see today is happening. NCSVVIC VV = v for vendetta.