>>14731596 (PB)
>>14732550 (PB)
It took me 3 f@#!kin years of membendazole to eradicate all of that shit out of my system..
Let anons be reminded that the ways in which this parasitic consciousness is surviving is much more sophisticated than what the (our) human form accomplished. Like the anon summarizes in the linked post, the hive mind that infest and expands through parasitic form is connected telepathically and comes in many shapes and forms, many of which have their own elaborate life cycles and abilities to control and direct their hosts.
My austerity and yogic practices enabled me to become aware of the various paracitic life cycles my personal infested human organism was processing through.
Now comes the important part of this little contribution to our human hive mind:
Why did it take me 3 years to eradicate my infestation?
(Research paracites and their various life cycles. Do the work)
I was the "proud" host to many different types (like most if not all of you anons). My first efforts to eradicate got rid of most that rely on a life cycle that need multiple hosts to spread themselves (like tapeworm or liver fluke).
Other varieties are further evolved to have their full life cycles within one host.
(My) Example; a nematode with its mature state and able to reproduce offspring lodges in the intestines. The larvae that are excreted in a continuous trickle migrate through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream. Those that reach the heart muscle migrate through the heart wall into the lungs (those that do not reach the heart cause all kinds of problems throughout the body (cystes, infections, rashes etc.)). Those that reach the lungs settle there and undergo a transformation, and once completed, migrate through the respiratory system up, spreading to other hosts through saliva and involuntary responses of the host's organism like sneezing. Mind you, the ability to survive outside the host's ecosystem are very limited (-facemasks are helpful in this sense). But, this stage will migrate back into the digestive system of the same host, and once back into the digestive tract, once again lodge themselves to then mature to a reproductive state.
So you see, the anthelmic medicine Ivermetcin that is now touted as a cure for covid (which does not exist), is very effective as a treatment, but only works when the parasite is in its adult stage, but not the other stages. When the life cycle has completed its full cycle the whole mess starts over again.
Through painful personal experience I realized that a 1 time cure using an anthelmic drug like ivermetcin, albendazole or membendazole is actually going to make your infestation worse further down the line.
Why? The parasite is not out to kill its host, but out to survive and spread further, and so releases its offspring in measured doses. When you use an anthelmic drug, you target the adult stage in the intestines only, and the drug prevents that adult parasite to metabolize its nutrients. Once it dies, 2 things happen: it loses its ability to resist digestive juices, and ALL its offspring that would have been released in stages get into the host at once! That overload of larvae migrating through the bloodstream pose an additional and very serious threat to the host. I speak from experience.
Once I finally figured out what was going on it took me 3 years of periodic use of membendazole (3 week cycles) to try and catch my particular friends just before it growing able to reproduce. A very tricky feat that required vigilance and a high level of awareness of my own bodily workings and processes (its where the yoga comes in).
My fellow anons, mind you the following remarks;
The particular nematode I was infected with, is deemed incurable by the western school of medicine and that I'm able to share this experience and its resolution is thus "a miracle".
No! It is simply taking responsibility and doing the work yourself, and to not rely on an external entity to give you a magic cure. With doing the work I also mean to live consciously, eat and drink healthy foods, have healthy and good thoughts and abide to what the bible calls the 10 commandments, the 8 fold yogic path or whatever school of thought is of your choosing.
To fight parasites Clark's methods are also quite effective and it is what helped me through the beginnings. If you have been a a lurking anon for some time you will have come across posts with good information and advice. Lurk moar.
During the course of my 3 year treatment your American pharmaceutical industry silently stopped producing membendazole, and in stead started to push albendazole. Albendazole is to have known cancerous side effects, and membendazole according to numerous studies to be effectieve to work against cancer!! (I'm not in america now or at the time of my fight with the infestation so always had access to membendazole)