Study Shows Patients With Heart Failure Should Be Prioritized for Vaccines
Results of an investigation published in ESC Heart Failure find the risk of death from COVID-19 is reportedly twice as high in patients with acute heart failure. The single-center study indicates these patients should be extra cautious to avoid contracting COVID-19 and ought to be considered a high-priority population as vaccine distribution begins.
HHS to Provide $22 Billion to Fund Testing, Vaccine Distribution
HHS announces that the CDC plans to provide more than $22 billion in funding for states and territories to support the nation’s COVID-19 response, as a result of the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act. More than $3 billion of the sum will be made available through the CDC Immunization and Vaccines for Children cooperative agreement.
This is a time-line of the roll out of the vaXXX.
And some lies