every time this is posted, someone is desperately trying toSTOP YOU FROM TALKING ABOUT THE JEWS
every time this is posted, someone is desperately trying toSTOP YOU FROM TALKING ABOUT THE JEWS
anyone notice the pfizer lady who sent the email to lie to the vaxxed aboutabortion tissuesin their vaxx is aJEW
>so many cucked politicians
who do you think they're cucked by?
(((WHO))) are they afraid of?
Why do rabbis suck off babies after the circumcision?
Anons, why is the woman who wants to vaxx people with human tissue without them knowing itA JEW?
What are the odds of that?
aJEWtelling a GENTIILE she'll get canned if she tells the goyim what we're doing to them?
rabbis sucking babies off?
or "people" poisoning the food supply in disgusting ways?
It looks to me like this jew has the baby's severed penis in his mouth.
you don't find that disgusting?
it's also not my problem, as they have not convinced my people to do it.
shooting your shit covered asshole with the same dirty hose that everyone else uses is disgusting,but not as disgusting as this
Islamic people fuck goats in the desert, and it's not my problem!
not my people, not my religion, not my problem.
I am not jewish, and yet I had my penis mutilated.
Does this fill you with pride for your people?
my mother was brainwashed by kikes like you into thinking the foreskin would give babies aids
this was the conventional wisdom in the US
You've convinced her all sorts of ridiculous things, and she's wasted decades reading about their intricacies.
Why do jews like to mutilate and suck baby penises?
the organized shilling against RRN is what lends it credibility
if he was the crazy retard he sounds like to me, you'd ignore him like I do.
But you're deeply invested in telling me your opinion, which is why I think you're a shill and there are lots like you here all the time.
did you knowJEWSdoTHIS???
hopefully you get paid to shill, or your time is completely wasted.
I can smell the desperation in your posts
I could jump IPs like you are but it doesn't matter.
The content of your posts is what makes you a kike.
if it's fake, WGAF??
boomer faggots that'll be your grandkids if you don't wake up
there is a distinct jewish flavor to the RRN rants
look all the posts this is glownigger consensus building