Take the case of Bill Benson. He checked, in person, the archives of every State in the nation, plus the national archives, and discovered that the 16th Amendment never passed. It’s the law that never existed. It’s an illegal amendment to our Constitution. As a result, Benson did not pay taxes. He was arrested, brought to court, and his attorneys were made to submit more than 80 briefs, one after another, in an obvious attempt to draw out the case. The judge made Benson perform his archival researches again, this time using procedures ordered by the court. Benson did so again, adhering to those procedures precisely. The results came out the same. So he proved under court ordered procedures that the tax law, the 16th Amendment to the Constitution, never passed, and is illegally being enforced. Our government lied again.
Nevertheless, the court found him guilty, and sentenced Benson to prison. He was on a medicinal schedule with a life-preserving medicine; the prison changed that and reduced him to practically a vegetable.
DOD Specifications say that Military M50 Gas Masks Don't Protect Against Viruses…
3M's (Maker of N95 Masks) Documentation States that Their Masks Don't Protect Against Viruses…
Only SCUBA Suits work against viruses. This is why they wear them at USARMRIID for all levels of biohazard at Fort Detrick, MD.
There maybe… Halfway Inn… Almost there Buddy
Checkt & KEK't
The sovereignty of our nation is vanishing. A citizen of another country can walk the streets of our country and arrest anyone he hears saying anything that he doesn’t like.
President Lincoln predicted that our nation would die from action within, not from external attack.
How right he was! Now we are being made to pay for the criminality our government allow for years by S&L and bank officers, executives and owners – amounting to billions upon billions of dollars.
All they can think to do is to raise taxes when they could accomplish more by cleaning up our government’s house, by making our government Constitutional, by adopting into action the recommendation of the Grace Commission and the Hoover Commission, and by passing the Liberty Amendment. It’s impossible to expect the legislators and executives to change their course to that extent. They are too far down the trail leaning on the destructive habits they are used to.
The Constitution specifically states that Congress has the power and authority to coin money and regulate the value thereof.Nowhere in the Constitution is the right to delegate that authority and responsibility granted under any circumstance whatsoever. Congress unconstitutionally delegated that authority and responsibility to a private bank, and it is costing our nation its economic lifeblood in interest. There is terrible conflict of interest here; that bank wants the national debt to increase; it earns them more interest.
Deterioration of our government is achieved by the people in it approaching a cataclysm, bringing down their nation, just like the mice in the extremelylow-density magnetic field environmentexperiment.
In the mice experiment, we see universal forcible rape around the clock and cannibalism as the ultimate signs of criminality during a low-density magnetic field environment.
In humans, we can see different refinements of that degree of criminality.Remember, those without empathy turn criminal first. Greed is the most common denominator contributing to criminal behavior. Rape and beating and murder follow closely. Behind all of the billions of the financial institutions’ debacle is the greed of those causing the disaster.
Common to all criminal disaster is the criminals’ metal state that they will get away with their crimes, that “No one will ever know”. That is common to just about every criminal’s mind. When those in power in the financial world are touched with this thought combined with their lack of empathy, they have entered into the world of crime. They might as well stand alongside the rapists, beaters, thieves and robbers, murderers, and be counted. They’re all non-empathetic, leveling criminally with the lowering magnetic field density of our planet as it approached the next cataclysm.
This is not an apology for their criminality. It’s a damnation of welcoming one’s self into an adulthood of no empathy – and the consequences are explicit.We are all responsible for our own acts, our own empathy.
Tucker is talking about theOBAMA SHADOW GOVERNMENT, and has an in-depth interview with Gen Flynn on this very subject….
Also, from the early 1990's
This page is for the icing on the cake. The Constitution of the United States of America states bluntly: “Article IV, Section 4.:
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.” (Italics mine).
The only process through which this guarantee, made in the supreme law of our nation, can be kept is through the United States Government: The President and the Legislature. Note that the italicized provision does not specify armed invasion; it includes and and all kinds of invasions.
The states of our nation have been invaded by some six million illegal immigrants – plus three million more this year. Total taxpayer costs: $35 billion.
Why has our government not honored its responsibility Constitutionally assigned to it? Why are U.S. citizens losing their country to illegal aliens? Abraham Lincoln said it in 1838:
“If (U.S.A.’s) destruction be out lot, we must be ourselves its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.”