If you had nothing to hide, then you wouldn't have a problem with turning it over, on the other hand…
I guess, "ratlines," can be useful.
Most of the crap that comes out of their mouth is rhetoric, and they are playing the system. Seems to me, that they count on two main things, peoples ignorance of the laws and constitution, and the ability of the media to cover their backs for them and provide support.
Legal tender. Coinage act of 1792.
Something I"ve noticed over the years. You don't seem to have as many different grocery stores these days. All we seem to have here, are stores owned by Kroger. I thought we had anti-trust laws.
I understand that. The fed, the entity that, "creates," our currency, is neither Federal, nor do they have reserves. Fiat currency. Fractional reserve lending. Inflation caused by creating even more money. We are being fucked. First national bank, 2nd national bank and then the Fed. All three the same scam, but with different names.
As soon as the fed creates their currency, there is immediate debt placed on it because they charge the American taxpayer a fee for creating it. If we used constitutional money, the only cost incurred would be the cost of minting, no interest involved.
Interest is the REAL killer.