went to the vet and they got a piece of paper taped to their front desk saying that ivermectin shouldn't be used to treat covid or something of that nature
went to the vet and they got a piece of paper taped to their front desk saying that ivermectin shouldn't be used to treat covid or something of that nature
since when do they care about legality?
pretty sure killing seth rich was also illegal but nobody has been brought to justice for that
so r kelly said he's going to roll over on a huge rapper and a huge singer
jayz and beyonce came to mind as they are clearly in the club with all their symbolism
what is rebranding for $100, alex?
you know, trump has a well known quote out there about branding yourself
also, when you capitalize letters on certain words, that's branding
>on board with Q team
>continues to post AJ & Associate Mossad niggers
get fucked