blah, blah, blah Paul is one of them muh fren.
banter extraordinaire, none of his tap dancing in the chambers has ever yielded shit, other than moar of our rights taken away.
utter failure!
blah, blah, blah Paul is one of them muh fren.
banter extraordinaire, none of his tap dancing in the chambers has ever yielded shit, other than moar of our rights taken away.
utter failure!
'basic income'/'you will own nothing and be happy'
so, why do you think the world is witnessing this shit show???
they've all climbed aboard Schwabs WEF global Communist vision shit train, to avoid default on their massive unsustainable sovereign debts that (((they))) caused.
eugenics and boot on your neck centralized power, sheep ready for the slaughter, using the fake 'muh corona' mechanism to terrify the herd into submission.
are we having fun yet???
just look at the fucking record, look at the record.
for decades the gov't beast has slowly whittled away at our rights and here we are, due to apathy and complacency.
wait till the economic pain really hits home, seems it will be the only thing that will incentivize the masses to effect change.