Vaccination =/= Immunization
There are no safe vaccines.
Crimes against humanity.
Vaccination =/= Immunization
There are no safe vaccines.
Crimes against humanity.
Q misinformed about a lot of things.
[NOT ALL] is in brackets for a reason. Brackets have meaning. ALL CAPS has meaning. (Parentheses) have meaning. 'Single Quotes' has meaning. It's up to us to decipher the meanings.
Multiple meanings exist.
TRUST YOURSELF = Trust your own immune system?
1% of injuries are reported to VAERS. There are over 700K reported injuries. Do the math. The vaccine isn't safe. Research Dr. LEONARD HOROWITZ Vaccines cause AIDS, Ebola, and Cancer, autism, and other diseases. That's what they were created to do to by the National Cancer Institute which pretends to research cancer but is actually a cover for a US bio-weapons program.
Why not force a woman to have an abortion because her pregnancy might impact her co-workers?
Alsoโฆvaccines are not proven "Safe and Effective" in spite of all the bullshit the CDC spews. Vaccines are inherently dangerous.
The world's deadliest vaccine salesman? Who cares.
O'Keefe is just as scripted as Trump and Biden. Controlled opposition keeping people from the actual truth.
Can't wait for some mind controlled religious zealot to kill us all so that the Pope and his boys can enjoy their NWO.
Time is short for 99% of us. If (You) are part of the Elite, I hope you enjoy your 1000 years of servitude inside The Beast, working as its servant.
Makes sense why they has been no roundup of the cabal nor will there be. Their organization is simply too massive. They literally control the world.
Keeping the Big Lies alive is how they control the world. Lies make money. Pumping fear makes money.
^^^This is true.
Other than the fact that they cam literally murder people who tell the truth, thus murdering the truth, and get away with it scot-free, because they own the gangs, the cops, and the courts who belive the lies.