>The closer we get to October 28th
Can you feel the tension in the air right now?
I know I can. I can feel it all the way down in my plums.
>How much longer?
>This faggot
She makes a really good point.
I've played enough minecraft to know how to square foundation stones, piece of cake. Just hold the mouse down.
They'll be programming mason and lumber roombas to build their homes for pennies on the dollar.
>construction robots
will be next to free with scavenging
why is that so creepy?
>Havana Syndrome
When the sleeper was banished into his own dimension, I returned to daylight. The magic barrier had fallen, but for me the adventure had only just begun.
Man Eating Lizard Dragon
6et's 6o 6brandon!
6et's 6o 6randon