>an idea's political viability
Problem, as I see it, is that politicians aren't opening the Overton window wide enough to address the concerns the citizens think they should.
Might be, because fuck you coming from the politicians, as you say. Pols know that If Brandon got away with what he got away with, anyone can. Voting don't mean shit anymore.
Goes both ways, though. It don't mean shit for the people anymore, either, and they'll find other ways to address that. Doesn't have to be violence.
That said, I think the, "Fuck Joe Biden", chants are a thing. They're not going away. I think the plan was to bring Brandon in, and the pols thought, since the MSM would tone down the divisiveness they injected during the Trump years, everyone would be content with the Kumbaya.
That didn't happen. People aren't buying Brandon's bullshit, and since he can't make his case pragmatically or logically, he's resorting to strongarming.
Going to the Law of War manual and 11.3, I think this is an issue. If Brandon can't keep the country running. he has no claims on governing it since he usurped his power. People can shut the country down if it ever comes to that stage.