maybe that was the conspiracy 'she' lost her only friend too!
fuck nick offerman, he is a PIECE OF SHIT liberal and not worth the meme he is pictured in. loose loose looser!
THIS book will change your entire outlook on the world. it is VERY important, and i agree completely, the missing pages are very evident, and likely VERY IMPORTANT. there must be other sources for this information and I have been looking very hard for links to it…
i believe this explains the 'space tourism' stuff. i believe it explains some space tech that may simulatea magnetic field to control the populace from becoming criminal mice.. and I see the effects of these cataclysims more effectively all around me.. in nature, in rock, in so many places.
anon this is REQUIRED reading, and you need to be prepared for this!
additionally… climb the highest peak, face the east, divest yourself of all metallic objects, and look into the light!
this is a profound description full of masonic allegory, and likely truth.