Spectacular job putting the kitchen in order, baker.
Many thanks.
Media server hiccups. It might show up again, or it might not. Board is a little off this Friday morning.
Lots of double posting, too.
A smoothly running board is the best of all things. We don't get that much right now, but at least we have something.
BTW, seriously good work with adding the tweet content as text. Makes it searchable. Nice attention to detail.
Kek. Don't you imagine ByeDone thinking he's a lucky S.O.B. that so many want to have sex with him???
Seriously, though. NK and SK are starting to date. It's so much fun watching the plan continue to unfold in spite of all we are watching at the surface.
No way patriots are anything but in FULL CONTROL. And so much of this cray cray will land on Ds instead of Rs.
Now if we could just relocate McConnell to a volcanic island. Although anon thoroughly believes McConnell was acting according to the script written for him. Don't see any single actor in this play working without a script now. (((They))) all know NCSWIC.