I just took pics of about 300+ Comments, 2 were pro mush brain
Theyre using “Let’s go Brandon” too much but the comments see hilarious
I just took pics of about 300+ Comments, 2 were pro mush brain
Theyre using “Let’s go Brandon” too much but the comments see hilarious
The video is done, but look at this, kek
1,400 watching
551 comments (I only saw 5 postive)
And the most popular President of all time youtube channel has 1.91 million subscribers
Kekkity, liars and bots
I don’t think he’s had more than 15,000 viewers that have actually watched his channel, but youtube has a magical way of increasing the number of views after the live one is done. So I guess thats why they had to remove Trumps because it would be fucking embarrassing
I’ll post more of the funny comments
Thankz for posting all of those
They must have been busily removing some of those posts because I took a screenshots of all and didnt see many of these
Thought Crimes are real now! It seems feelings and thoughts of truth makes one a criminal
The Judiciary is Fucked along with the DOJ
The best, sharing is caring
Yes that was the best, what about “hes the people’s president”, delusional bot I’d say
The more I learn about this world, the more I think God may just destroy it and start over!
WTF, they have sonar. How do they hit an unknown object?
When a Pharma Company demands a government do something, the government (Trudeau) is owned by Pharma
Its the Judiciary and the judges I’m sure were Obama appointees, but why wouldnt the AG of TX stop this
I’m not a person that normally wants to see and execution, but I’m getting there fast
Havent been to a mall since 2001, except once when Apple store was there. Very strange people in malls! Kek
I actually thought the judgement day was coming fast! I thought 4-3/4 years ago it would soon, I was wrong, but now in my heart I know it will be soon!
Liar it was down to 6% under Trump
Thank God we dont have to hear how the Rank & File members of FBI are good people, its just management
But one thing to add, Adam Housely was asked “why the lower FBi dont report upper management?”
His answer was “A lot of them have offered to be whistleblowers to the Senate and House members and those leaders wouldnt take meetings with them. So they dont have an protection!” And they are scared to death.
Someone asked why is that?, Adams only guess is “congress and Senate are just as much afraid of FBI as the whistleblowers”!
This makes sense to me, I’ll try to find the tweets, they were months ago! So maybe the rank and file don’t quit to actually get some work done.
So looking glass revelations messed with their plans and its all falling apart?
I seriously think the end of Potato and all his appointees are going down soon, i get this from the ramp of the boards obvious energy
Yep I suppose so, if there are, I hope they get to tell the whole story of corruption. Q said CIA and FBI would be destroyed and made into ine agency (something aling those lines), if so and there are patriots there then I hope they rise up.
You know how O had sleepers in every agency? Well Trump would have too!