w/o baby parts there is no vax so…
A district court judge (Judge Pittman) issued a Temporary Restraining Order blocking Texas S.B. 8 abortion law on Wednesday, finding in favor of the U.S. Department of Justice, which had sought the order to block the law from going into effect.
Judge Robert Pittman in AUSTIN, not the Judge Pittman in Ft. Worth.
Sorry for using Wiki but it can be useful at times.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_L._Pitman Zero appointed judge.
OH LOOK ANOTHER RINO SUGGESTED CANDIDATE by none other than Senator Cornyn, who also voted with democrats fot the AG shit head calling parents terrorists over CRT opposition.
"In 2009, Republican Senators John Cornyn and Kay Bailey Hutchison sent Pitman's name to Democratic President Barack Obama as one of two candidates for United States Attorney for the Western District of Texas. " kay baily didnt give a shit my job got outsourced overseas, she got voted out after the tech bust.
TEXANS KNOW WHAT TO DO- Harass your GOP on line. Call your