>>14747574 pb
They didn't get paid.
But CodeMonkey got a fan following from it
Good Job
Even though the cunts tried to paint the Watkins as villians. And Brennan as victim and star.
Streisand effect on steroids.
I thought it was assumed that's where he gets his hit of kids?
>>14747070 pb
Holy shit, these pigs are still framing people.
For Propaganda.
>>14746986 pb
I kinda think so too
Not about any "Go" order.
But so many other "tells"
We'll know when it happens.
We're in the middle of a World Wde Fascist takeover and destrution of our Country and our Contry's heritage.
This Thanksgiving 400th anniversary of the first Thanksgiving.
I believe this clique of evil people, who we tried to leave behind in Europe have hated us all this time
401 is the number they assigned to a page that is missing on the Internets …
401 is the number of years since the landing of the religious colony on the Mayflower, from Plymouth England.
I think it's a joke for them, And they've planned to take us this year for a while.
We should pray and have a special Thanksgiving this year.
Right, and it's time that we work with all the accumulated memes ,etc, that we've gathered over the past four + years.
i guess we're doing good
four ebakes
Still can't get a bona fide baker.. ?