ffs, 20 pedestrians are KILLED, PER DAY in the US. but this must be part of "the plan?"
>face the facts
"the devil hath the power to assume a pleasing form." what is most pleasing to a self-righteous bibletard?
WHAT IF…. being "born again" is actually joining "team evil?"
now here's where you respond with mindless dogma and/or unjustified unquestioning self-assurance.
>television is such a wasted and abused technology
was NOT always so… anon remembers classical music performances, REAL science programs, REAL educational programs…
ask your great-granddad.
do you even KNOW what gibberish means? my post was NOT gibberish, it was well constructed grammatically/syntactically correct, cogent and easy to understand sentences. NOT gibberish. YOUR cop-out answer shows you have no rational response, and probably didn't even bother to THINK about what i wrote, and thus serves to amplify your ignorance, cowardice, and hypocrisy. maybe YOU should actually READ the bible, the parts where Jesus told the disciples that he did NOT want to create a "church," because all institutions by nature end up becoming corrupted, yet that is exactly what was done.
YOU are in for the shock of your life when you face YOUR judgment day. fool.
>Eat Pork!
>It tastes good and it's healthy to eat pork!
>If you do not eat pork, you will not be allowed access to:
>1) public transportation
>2) malls and grocery stores
>3) employment
>If you refuse to eat pork, your children -if any- will be taken into protective custody.
>If you post any negative comment online concerning the consumption of pork, you will be banned from all social media.
>(this includes stating any religious edict that forbids the consumption of pork)
>If you publicly demonstrate your refusal to eat pork, you will be labeled a terrorist and prosecuted accordingly.
>If you do not have a valid Pork Pass in your possession at all times, you will be arrested and sent to a detention center for corrective action.
>If you allow anyone entry into your residence who has not eaten pork, you will be arrested and imprisoned for life.
>If you encounter anyone in public who has not eaten pork or does not have a valid Pork Pass in their possession,
>you must report this incident immediately to the Pork Consumption Awareness Center. Simply dial 911 for assistance.
fucking brilliant, anon.spam it across all social media. it contains nothing they can censor.
if by "awesome" you mean retarded, then you are correct. give the anon a trophy.
> we should not insult others' interpretations of things.
>Maybe you were dropped on your head as a child…
my interpretation is that the movie is retarded, and that anyone who thinks it was "awesome" is likewise retarded.
are you insulting me for MY interpretation? do you know what the words hypocrisy or irony mean?
are you always this stupid? do you always stick your 2¢ in where its not needed or wanted. are you a closet triggered snowflake? FUCK OFF, KAREN.
>Prayer should be done daily. We need to be in constant communication with God.
oh… so God only hears us when we pray? thought God was omniscient. are you suggesting otherwise? BURN THE WITCH!
>I still don't get the "Lets Go Brandon" shit.
>Is it because it's like "FUCK JOE BIDEN!?"
it's because that is what an NBC commentator said the crowd was really chanting at a college football game instead of "fuck joe biden."
where you been?
>I'm insulting you for your insult
so you ARE a triggered snowflake libtard! thx for confirming. freedom includes the freedom to be insulting.
OLD SAYING: sticks and stone may break my bones, but NAMES can never hurt me.
OLDE ENGLISH COMMON LAW: where there is no injured party, there is NO CRIME.
opinions are like assholes… most people are the last one to realize THEIRS stinks.
CHECK YOURS, fuckwit.
apples oranges… thx for correcting me.
so much text. think a LOT of your ~~asshole~~ opinion, dontcha. first law of engineering AND shitposting… KISS.
keep it simple, stupid!
watch… i'll show you how it's done. FUCK OFF, shill. see how easy that was? now you try.
filled-turd bibletard
(You) pompous. pretentious. arrogant. condescending. supercilious. conceited. egotistical.
oh… and LAME. KYS
>You really need to think about getting laid more often
fucked your mom all day. had to tie a board across my ass to keep from falling in.
actually, i'm thankful every day that i passed retirement age a decade ago. i always had issues with tyranny.
i shudder to imagine how i would have handled all the shit employers are dishing these days. prolly be in prison.
Gott in Himmel… mein Deutsch is nicht sehr gut, und du hast mich verloren.
>libertas verita
longer than 30 yrs. the day JR shot LHO was the wake up alarm sounding. but patriots were around even before that.
these guys were around in the 1950's. wish i still had all the old copies of "The Spotlight."
WTF is that? someone who does grams all day every day? you were right the first time, dimwit.
>Kleiner Fughter
kleine Kämpfer werden niemals sterben, aber ich denke, dein Deutsch ist auch nicht sehr gut.
it CAN get confusing, 'cause grammar can also be someone with a boston accent speaking about their parent's mother.