Would the Anon who suggested that people are gettingheart inflammationfrom having/not having an intra muscular Covid vaccination please stand up?
Genuine apologies for not citing your research correctly, it’s just it was such uninformed, ignorant, medically retarded bullshit that Anon can’t remember your theory…other than you seemed to think that those who vaccinate others are giving them heart inflammation because vaccinators aren’t aspirating the Covid vaccine properly & this is the reasoning for this specific symptom/side effect…..
For other Anons sakes, Lupus and Covid rant Anon over here would like to give a short medical lecture, assuming everyone here has still retained their eyesight.SEE SOMETHING. SAY SOMETHING.right?:
After 10s using our dear friend called Mr Google, it would appear, against my correct initial medical understanding of the term “aspirate” - that stupid Anon had some vague reasoning for using this term. At this point I cite an actual medical publication - seems stupid Anon was on board with NIH on this one… https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5333604/
Indeed, if one reads this article, some medical professionals appear to be of the retarded opinion that a vaccine, or indeed any injection (trust the Anon here who looked like a human voodoo doll on what does and doesn’t happen when a syringe is used to inject anything…) requires aspiration.
In a vaccine specific context, ASPIRATION refers to a specific practice: positioning the needle into the injection side and pulling the syringe plunger upwards, so as to ‘withdraw’ any presumably a) interstitial fluid (ergo needle is positioned in the correct place),
OR b) some form of blood (ergo needle has hit a muscle/capillary or a bloody artery - if that practitioner decides to be totally reckless…its not very fun, Ill tell you that much..
In summary, if for whatever reason, any injection of anything hits a blood vessel, then ofcourse it will circulate into your blood stream much faster.
P.S I’m falling asleep out of boredom at Anons’ stupidity here …that’d be the BTW - original retard Anon, you do know how a heart is literally akin to a biological pump with chambers and all…the vaccine doesn’t just sit there in your heart. Pretty sure you’d notice as it would mean you were dead as your heart will stopped. Awkward for you shit digger fag.
Here’s a motherfucking sauce you can all goddamn read for yourselves. https://www.healthline.com/health/heart-disease/myocarditis#TOC_TITLE_HDR_1
And to answer of y’alls stupid question,NO, it not always caused by any Covid vaccine of ANY brand, no matter if it was manufactured by POTUS (o7 Sir) himself.