Anonymous ID: fc9dfb Oct. 9, 2021, 6:08 a.m. No.14751882   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1892

There are great forces of Light stationed on your planet at this time – for this is the last hour – it is the last hour of darkness before the dawn.


A great Light is coming to Earth that will raise your people in consciousness and lift your planet into higher realms of Light where you’ll begin to see us and see the Angels and the Ascended Masters. You will truly know that “YOU ARE NOT ALONE”

Anonymous ID: fc9dfb Oct. 9, 2021, 6:12 a.m. No.14751900   🗄️.is 🔗kun

You will always benefit from listening to the signs that you are getting from the universe. Those signs are given to you by your higher self and your spirit guides directly, while being orchestrated overall by the entire universe and by Source Energy. When people are given these opportunities now, they realize because of what they have learned, that synchronicities are important to pay attention to; they realize how to interpret their own personal signs, the things that are happening in their lives. And enough people have gotten the message at this point to recognize how powerful it is to sit still, do nothing and open up.


You are not there to make it all happen. You are there to experience the shift in consciousness. Now, of course, sometimes you will be called to action; you will get a strong impulse to do something or to help in some way. But for the most part, it is best for you to take it easy, relax, don’t work so hard or think so much, and let the shift happen. Shifting from doing all the time to not doing so much is a shift.


And so, as you continue to let go of the need to do it all yourselves and let the universal forces take over, you get to enjoy the ride more as well, and we see more people doing that. We see more people realizing that the experiences they can have externally pale in comparison to the ones they can have internally, and that’s a very good thing to recognize, because those inner experiences will continue to make themselves available to you as well. That means you get to feel more; you get to connect more; you get to access more of your spiritual gifts and abilities. What we would like to see some of you graduate from is the idea that you should be sitting around thinking about what you are going to do or what you should be doing.


If you don’t have that powerful impulse, that inspiration that comes from within to do something, then see that as a sign from the universe that right now you are meant to just sit back, relax, open up, and receive. Play around with opening up your crown chakra, because that is a wonderful portal through which you can receive. Pay more attention to your breathing, to being in your body, and let go of the idea that you are supposed to be accumulating accomplishments in this lifetime. You’ve done enough of that in all of your previous lifetimes put together. You have nothing left to prove and everything to gain from letting yourselves shift gradually, and with ease and joy in the process.

Anonymous ID: fc9dfb Oct. 9, 2021, 6:21 a.m. No.14751954   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2030 >>2182 >>2185 >>2189 >>2194 >>2196 >>2197 >>2200 >>2202

There is so much more to you than what you have ever been told. What’s your belief system? How many belief systems were featuring something that is perhaps not well accepted that would say, “Did you know that you are God?” Blasphemous of course, that’s what you’ve been taught it is.


What if it were sparks of the truth? What if your Soul is part of the Creative Source? God made your Soul not apart from God, but part of God. Your Soul is part of the Creative Source of the Universe. Therefore, YOU are a part of God.


What about the namaste? What does that mean? Have you ever analyzed that? The God in me meets the God in you, the God in you meets the God in me. This has been the ancient greeting.


Did you ever, ever think about what that meant? What God are they talking about? Are they talking about some Human God in some skin in a far away land? No, they’re talking about the Creative God, the one that you know as God or Spirit. You have always been part of the cosmos, always.


We’ve told you that the Soul is eternal. There are so many belief systems on the planet that would negate even the idea of that. They say, “Well, you have a Soul, but you know you got it when you were born and then it goes from there.”


Instead of, perhaps it was always there, and if it were, what has it been doing since it was created? And then we said, “Well, it’s never been created any more than God was created so it’s always been there.” Did it just simply arrive for your birth? Or, perhaps there’s a grander plan?


What if you have been here with this Soul, many times on this planet? And maybe even other planets, maybe even other Universes, if you’ve always had a Soul? Dear ones, you are immense.


So how does that apply to right now you might say? “How does it apply to my life, Kryon, right now as I sit here in troubled times?” And I will tell you. If you will start understanding that there is an evolution going on in your consciousness. If you will acknowledge perhaps, just perhaps, that applies to you.


Anonymous ID: fc9dfb Oct. 9, 2021, 6:48 a.m. No.14752056   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2072


How would you learn current lessons if you remembered all your past lives during the test?

Your in the middle of an exam, you can’t use your notes and the teacher can’t help you during the exam.

Once it is over, you remember everything and all lessons from all past lives.

Anonymous ID: fc9dfb Oct. 9, 2021, 7:16 a.m. No.14752170   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2174 >>2314

Quick meditation to ground yourself.


Relax, breath in deeply listen to your breath

Let out listen to your breath


Repeat 2 x

Welcome to meditation

Do this whenever you can especially in the morning and before bed.