If all else really fails, try introduce her to anthroposophy and spiritual science as taught by Rudolf Steiner. This is cosmic Christianity as scientific fact. This is the best of Rosicrucian and other traditions, but Steiner personally confirmed every hidden or "occult" fact he reveals.
A good place to start is the lecture series "From Jesus to Christ", which completely demolishes the whole Jesuit approach, as being a forcible intrusion into a person's domain of will.
When you find Christianity properly explained, and understand the cosmic dimensions of it, some of the stuff in the big black book starts making more sense. Yes, the world was created in seven days, but we are just over halfway through "Day Four", the middle, which is the cosmic "round" of Earth in which Christ incarnates and is crucified.
The seven "rounds" is also standard Hindu cosmology. This esoteric knowledge has been openly available for over 100 years now.
Good luck.