Anonymous ID: 5e6573 May 19, 2018, 7:24 p.m. No.1475976   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6045


pamph is q is the most obvious psyop attempt ever, its like the shills hanging themselves trying to disinfo with that lame distraction,


maybe this is our version of misdirection, making the shills waste their time trying to pull this when we know only fools are gonna fall for it,


they just reveal themselves

Anonymous ID: 5e6573 May 19, 2018, 7:47 p.m. No.1476239   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6288


enough of it hopefully.


the shills made the link #18 attempt, the first was the only other legit attempt, the other 16 where made all at once have no votes and was a shill effort to slander the whole thing. in previous bread they kept saying look it failed 18 times!


theres been shills posting petitions are futile they never get approved, futilityfags i call em.


theres been shills posting petitions will get you doxed! fearfags i call em


despite it only takes a name and an email, doesnt even require registering, and that name is going into the website, which Q has demonstrated before that Q controls, remember when Q gave us a link to a page like 10 minutes before it was live? i do,


Q keeps telling us to be patriots, to fight fight fight, that we used to know how to play the game but we forgot,


he means we used to control our government, we used to be activists, we used to make demands and force the gov to capitulate. petitions are just one part of that,


this petition and Q posting start a storm, fight fight fight, Q even then gave us the #InternetBillOfRights hashtag, and there are still less then 5000 sigs on the petition! WTF PATRIOTS!!! SING IT! LETS DO THIS! LETS GET THIS DONE!


once its got the needed amount of signatures, then we can see what comes next, Q and Trump will deliver us! we must know that by now as this storm they started, they are just asking us to help. get off your asses and help, it starts with being activists.


thats more the point i want to get accross

Anonymous ID: 5e6573 May 19, 2018, 7:51 p.m. No.1476288   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>the shills made the link #18 attempt

rephrasing, the shils made 2-17, and patriots made #1 and #18,


there have only been the two legit attempts, so realy this is petition #2. and the fact the url display its the #18th attempt is intentionally misleading propaganda.