TRUTH! I had a discussion with an acquaintance about how great the world will be without compounding interest. I said, imagine that the business of MAKING money, simply from OWNING the money is illegal. And that the money we use belongs to the US Treasury of the People. Imagine compounding interest is illegal. Imagine a home loan only costs you a one time fee of say, 15%. Instead of paying $500k over 30 yrs for a $300k home, you only pay $345k. He said, "why would any bank give a loan then? It will never happen." I had to remind him that the money is no longer someone's private money to MAKE money on. He still struggled. THIS is the kind of thing people will struggle with in their awakening. It will seem too good to be true so they won't believe that it is possible. The JINOs have truly brainwashed us into believing that the system they created for us is as good as it can be.